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Toutoule Ntoya BOOM 2019 ___FALL CUE TEM
Project |01


Project |01 Fall Cue Boom

CUE is a 501c3 nonprofit community of connected educators focused on improving education for all learners in California and Nevada.  There are 2 annual conferences held in the Fall and the Spring.  Cue boom is a 3-minute mic-drop where presenters share on a topic of their choice in a fast-paced, high energy setting. I was invited to participate in a CUE BOOM.  Here is my presentation 

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Project |02


Project |02 Our Voice Academy

Our Voices Academy (OVA) brought educators of color together from all different parts of the country and background.  We spent time in fellowship, networking, and creating a visual artifact of our story.  The experience allowed us all to bring out our internal stories for the world to hear.  Here is my story

Project |03


Project |03 Los Angeles Student Athlete Symposium

A conference specific to Student-Athletes where discussing topics that is geared at helping student see that academics is just as important as athletics.  The symposium was held on the campus of the University of Southern California. Click here to see the video

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

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